
Friday 30 December 2011

Style Spotlight - Eva Longoria

The Hermes kills me - I WANT.

I want to start up a new weekly feature - Style Spotlight. I collect photos of various celebrities wearing outfits I like for one reason or another on my laptop for style referencing, and thought every week I should do a breakdown of a particular celeb who I think is really hitting the style marks and put up some of my fave outfits of theirs and why I like them etc etc.

So for the first post of this kind I present, Ms Eva Longoria. The thing I love about Eva is that she works it on and off the red carpet. She undoubtedly has great Oscar and Golden Globe hits, but I'm more intrigued by street style and how celebrities dress day-to-day. I know a lot of them have stylists but I'm not gonna go into who pulled the look together, just the celebrty who wears it.

Eva Longoria, to me, knows how to dress for her body type. She is very petite and so is not that tall, but you would never tell as her perfectly fitted skinny jeans, hitting at just the right point on the ankle (not too high and not too low) paired with platform peep-toes for the majority, make her legs look so long. I love how she never goes OTT with accessories either. Apart from a statement bag and perhaps a pair of sunnies for the day, she lets a chic and crispy shirt do the talking, for a more polished take on laid-back celebrity LA style. She also wears a lot of flowy, loose blouses with her skinnies too which complement the tighter fit of the jeans, creating a balanced proportion. Of cousre it never hurts to work hard and have a killer body underneath either, for sure makes your clothes look better! ;)

Finally, I love Eva's hair, it has natural volume and so even if she just has it down with no whistles and bells, it still looks sleek.

Kudos to Eva! ;)

Hope you guys liked the post, I look forward to posting another one of this kind next week. Have a great weekend people!

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